Friday, July 1, 2016

REVIEW: "The Girl on the Train"- BY:Paula Hawkins

Happy July! I have a great book review for you today!

First off, I've been having a slight struggle figuring out what to read lately. Usually, I have a running list of books but it has gotten harder recently. I haven't heard of a hyped up book in quite some time so it has definitely taken a little more time to do research.

The book review this time is for "The Girl on the Train." Now this was a hyped up book at one time. I remember seeing it everywhere and especially in Target stores for quite awhile. I remember thinking at that time that I wasn't really interested in what the book was about, basically it wasn't my time to read the book. So, now in my desperate time of need for a book, this book popped up and fell in my lap at just the right time. Now lets stop using the word time and get to the review.

Rachel is a recently divorced alcoholic. She rides the train to and from work everyday even though she was recently let go. She sits in the same seat and looks out at the same familiar landscape. She especially looks forward to seeing this one particular group of houses. One is her old house the other is of a couple that lives a few houses down (Scott & Megan) that looks like the perfect couple with the perfect life that she once had in that neighborhood. Everyday, she looks forward to spotting the couple outside on the terrace soaking in the sun or having a cup of coffee. Rachel creates in her mind the life she thinks they live and what they like to do. She also tries to avoid looking at her old home, where her ex-husband Tom still lives with his new wife Anna and their little girl Evie. They are everything she wanted in her life but as it turns out, Rachel can not conceive so her life crumbled and she turned to drinking.

One not so ordinary day, Rachel spots Megan kissing another guy that's not Scott. And one roughly bingeful night Rachel wakes up completely bruised and beaten but she can't remember what happened to her. All she knows was that she went to her old neighborhood but the rest was a blur. Then Megan mysteriously goes missing and her body found down by the river. Rachel finds herself right in the middle. Police question her because Anna saw her at the train station the night of the disappearance. All Rachel wants to do is tell Scott that Megan had been unfaithful because Rachel knows how it feels to have a spouse cheat on them. Rachel and Scott start a tumultuous relationship of trying to help Scott figure out who could have killed Megan and what happened that night that she can't remember. Little does she know just how intertwined her life really was to Megan's murder.

"The Girl on the Train" was suspenseful and thrilling. Some of the best writing is the kind that really makes you feel the emotions and actions that are happening. And that't exactly what this book did for me. The book was dark and twisted. It was like going through the mind of an addict. I loved how the chapters each had a different perspective of the three girls: Rachel, Anna and Megan. Each character was awesomely developed to truly feel like you have a good sense of what each character was like before and after the murder. I'm so glad I decided to read this book. It gets The Book Bound seal of approval. I don't want to give away the ending but be prepared for some plot twists and turns that make the whole book exceptional.


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