Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Keep Calm


Sorry I have been such a stranger lately! I decided to take a quick break from reading after I read "The Fault In Our Stars." It was such an amazing book, and like I said, it was one of those books that take a while to leave your system, so to speak. It has been hard to get motivated to read a book that I am less than excited to read. I guess because I haven't really been psyched about a book since the last few reviews. I sort of stem-rolled through the first reviews because they were amazing books. But I think it was a good decision, for myself, to take a break, "stay calm," and reflect on where I want to go from here. 

I am thinking of this "book-less" period of time as a restart or a time to reset myself into order to fully immerse myself into getting back into reading before my last year of school starts and reading will seem more like a privilege. 

I am going to start doing a classics segment where I am going to read some of the very most classic books that you probably have read or are reading in high school. I have been dying to re-read all the classics and even read some for the first time. I have always been intrigued in the classics and in high school I know I didn't appreciate them as much as I should have. When I am forced to read a book for school purposes and there is the promise of tests and quizzes... well I completely lose all motivation to read it and read it with the respect it deserves. Not only that but when I read it the focus that I should have in order to understand it completely goes out the window. It's as if I am reading a completely different book then the rest of the class. However, I did great in English in high school, definitely my best subject because deep down I know I cared enough and that helped me get by, even if the books are in general not so pleasant. 

So this post is dedicated to keeping calm, even when you feel so over whelmed and don't know where to start, much like myself, just take a breath and read a book. 

Ciao, Cheryl :)

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