Sunday, June 2, 2013


Hey everyone,

Look out for a new review coming soon. I am really excited about this one and I bet most people have heard of Nicholas Sparks. Yep, I will be reviewing the Nick Sparks book - The Best Of Me. It is really been great so far and I am close to the end. Hoping to have the review up by the end of the week. Check back soon or shot me some suggestions for future reviews. 

I am also SUPER SUPER excited about the next book that I will be reading by one of my very favorite authors Sarah Dessen who inspires me everyday to pursue my dreams. Her new book: The Moon And More is coming out on Tuesday the 4th and I have already pre-ordered it to my nook so I can read at all times of the day. Hopefully I will have that review up within the next two weeks. 

SO, as you can tell there is so much to look forward to on The Book Bound and hope everyone comes along for the journey. 

Ciao :)

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