Saturday, October 24, 2015

Writing Power

Lately, I've been trying to write more things down. I often have an overflow of ideas or thoughts. They just can't stay in my head space for too long. So for some time now I've been telling myself that I need to get into journaling more. I even bought a journal from work for the purpose of starting my journaling journey. However, its taken me some time to really take the plunge.

But writing is second nature to me. Heck, I'm obviously writing right now! Writing is who I am. It's always been apart of me. So I don't quite know why it takes a whole lot of energy to get me to do it sometimes. My best guesses are: I'm super busy sometimes and I have so many thoughts to write that it can seriously get overwhelming. The best idea is for me to write down the influx of thoughts but I'm sure I'm not the only one who has trouble truly sitting down and sorting through your thoughts to write them out. Sometimes the work can just be put off for another day. Except today was the day and I didn't have another day to spare. The thoughts were going down on paper. One way or another. And it was exactly what I needed. I brought be the clarity that I had so desperately been craving.

Sometimes you just have to stop overthinking and just go with the flow. Literally JUST DO IT ! Don't think. Just Do. That's going to be phrase going forward because I have big plans and I want to be in control of them. That's the only way to get ahead.

So no more time for excuses. It's time to make things happen. Writing is my vice in life. Besides reading of course. It's the way my mind knows how to function.

Another good tip of mine for life is to write. Writing is sometimes the only way to get out your true feelings. It's pure and personal and sometimes the most vulnerable you can feel.

So I did what I set out to do. I WROTE!

xo Cheryl

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