Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Happy One Year Book Bound !


I know I'm a little late, and the official blog anniversary was May 31st, I still wanted to make a special post about this special milestone. One year of blogging is something that I am truly proud of. It means a lot if you, right there at your computer who probably has a million things to do, is reading this post. I appreciate even a second of your time. As I've said before, starting this blog hasn't always been easy but it's pretty much my favorite thing I have ever done. It makes me happy to do something that I love and that is all I've ever wanted. I might not be blog famous but somewhere out there, who ever you are, is reading this and enjoying my blog. Thanks to any who has reached out or commented in any way. Please, feel free to tell your friends and family about the blog, because I promise that I want to make this blog something great.

Starting a successful blog has been a dream of mine for so long, and just writing this means I'm participating in my dreams. A year ago I started to make my dreams happen and everyday I think I'm getting a little bit closer. 

Before I end the post, I wanted to give a brief update on everything that is going on behind the scenes. Currently, I'm reading "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" By Jenny Han. I've heard some great things about this new release and I'm already forming my own opinions on the book. Also for my birthday, I received a new Nook from my boyfriend. (He's the best). So I've been buying new books and I have a few more books in the wing just waiting to be red and reviewed so keep your eyes on the blog because there is going to be plenty to read and interact with. 

So that's all folks ! Thanks so much and always stay book bound! 


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