Friday, May 29, 2015


HELLO Lovelies !

The 30th of May marks the Two Year Anniversary of The Book Bound Blog. I can still remember when the idea of the blog came to me. It was right after I read an amazing book and I just had to write about the book and share it with as many people as I could. The only way I saw that happening was through writing a book review blog. I loved the idea instantly and I haven't looked back. To date, this has been the most consistent thing I have stuck with. And that's because of my love for books. All the other ideas haven't always stuck because they weren't always ideas that have come from a place of passion and love.... This blog however did, and that is why we are here celebrating two years of this wonderful blog.

I like to believe if you can imagine something enough and put all of your positive energy into it then anything can happen. Even though this blog may not be the most popular, I still like to believe that it is and I treat it as such. I hope to always continue with this passion, even if it leads to no where. I still love writing about books. Books have held a special place in my heart and my world since I was very young. They are an escape, a world of there own and they become a love like no other. True book lovers will know the secret world that books can bring you to. I sometimes feel like I hold this special world all my own being a book lover.

Anyways, stay in touch for more reviews coming soon! I have been scouting out for the best books. I also have in the works a beauty blog to supplement this blog. I will write a post about that in the coming months as I sort out my ideas and create another passionate blog. I hope you all stick with me on this journey. I truly appreciate it will all my heart. Feel free to comment me about any suggestions or ideas. I am open also to contributors.  Thank you!


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