Saturday, October 24, 2015

Writing Power

Lately, I've been trying to write more things down. I often have an overflow of ideas or thoughts. They just can't stay in my head space for too long. So for some time now I've been telling myself that I need to get into journaling more. I even bought a journal from work for the purpose of starting my journaling journey. However, its taken me some time to really take the plunge.

But writing is second nature to me. Heck, I'm obviously writing right now! Writing is who I am. It's always been apart of me. So I don't quite know why it takes a whole lot of energy to get me to do it sometimes. My best guesses are: I'm super busy sometimes and I have so many thoughts to write that it can seriously get overwhelming. The best idea is for me to write down the influx of thoughts but I'm sure I'm not the only one who has trouble truly sitting down and sorting through your thoughts to write them out. Sometimes the work can just be put off for another day. Except today was the day and I didn't have another day to spare. The thoughts were going down on paper. One way or another. And it was exactly what I needed. I brought be the clarity that I had so desperately been craving.

Sometimes you just have to stop overthinking and just go with the flow. Literally JUST DO IT ! Don't think. Just Do. That's going to be phrase going forward because I have big plans and I want to be in control of them. That's the only way to get ahead.

So no more time for excuses. It's time to make things happen. Writing is my vice in life. Besides reading of course. It's the way my mind knows how to function.

Another good tip of mine for life is to write. Writing is sometimes the only way to get out your true feelings. It's pure and personal and sometimes the most vulnerable you can feel.

So I did what I set out to do. I WROTE!

xo Cheryl

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Just One of Those Days

Until mid-day, I was having a mostly normal day. Nothing crazy and I was feeling pretty good. For some reason, as the day went on, I just got into one of those moods. Nothing even happened to make me feel this way. My attitude just flipped and I was no longer feeling like this day was normal or fun.
Sometimes these days just happen. And often times I find myself reflecting on this moments because for the most part I like to remain happy at all times. I have some suspicions that I have some underlying issues, like under the surface that I haven't faced, that cause me to create these moments in a seemingly good day.
I wanted to share this thought with you because I felt like we can all use a reminder that bad days will happen and they won't be announced. But remember that you can turn things around. Don't get weighed down by the negativity. I believe that life is a lot about how you react to it. Stop for a moment before you make a decision or say what your thinking. Often times if you give yourself that few seconds to think you will find that what you are about to do or say in those moments of negativity are not the correct response. I tired to do that today. I still failed but I realized that I do have the power over how I respond to things and how I respond reflects on how well my day will go.

Another reason I wanted to write this, was because reading is a huge antidote to a bad day. If I'm ever having a bad day I know one thing that will always get me out of it and that's reading. One of the major things I love about books is that they can be an escape. Books have always been an escape route for me from life. Whenever I need clarity, I read, because it clears my mind of my worries or concerns and opens it up for more positive and rational thoughts. Reading should truly be a medical remedy for some people because I swear its my life line.

So if you're having a bad day, maybe this time start reading, if you don't normally do that. I think you might find that your day just turned around again and this time for the better.


Friday, October 9, 2015

Magic is Happening

I'm sure you read the title of this post and was a little confused. So let me explain...

Probably going to sound familiar to you when I say that I'm sorry for not writing for some time. I don't know why, but I always feel the need to apologize or preface a post before I really get into it. It helps me to put my thoughts and emotions out there and then move on from them.

But, I actually have a good reason for being away and that reason is: HARRY POTTER. Guys, I'm officially obsessed. I know one of my last posts was about how I was going to be reading and 'reviewing the books so this shouldn't come as a complete shock. My plan now is to read all the books and then write one post about my thoughts on the books and my experience reading them. It will be some great reflection writing and I'm excited about that post.

I figured that writing an individual post about each book was too much and I barely have gone a day without reading a chapter, even between books. I just flew through the first 3 and now I'm almost finished with the 4th. By the time I realized that I should have written about them, it was too late. Plus I feel my new idea is way better, so it all worked out.

In the meantime, while I'm reading HP. I will try to write some more opinion or journal like entry's that focus on topics of interest about reading or just some random thoughts or rants. Really whenever I get the inspiration to write I'm going to just do it. (I'll try my best.)

I've really been getting more and more inspired by my passion for books. It just reassures me that I'm on the right path to success, I just can't give up yet. Because, I do believe in the magic of books.

Please let me know if there is something you would like me to talk about. I tend to have opinions on most things and I'm sure it would be fun to have a dialogue about it.

For now I'll just say see ya later!


Friday, August 28, 2015

REVIEW: "14th Deadly Sin"- BY: James Patterson


Look at me, two blog posts in one month! I'm proud. :)

This book review is supported again by the book contributions of my lovely co-worker.
She's a quick reader and I'm sure I will have endless book supply from her.

Now about the book...
I have only read one other book by James Patterson and that was also reviewed on this blog and I loved it. But if I remember correctly, I didn't like the ending. Much like I didn't really like this one either. It seems James Patterson loves to leave a good cliff hanger. I'm not about that. But, who am I to question an acclaimed authors style? Clearly, he's doing something right.

"14th Deadly Sin" is another mystery book. It is also apart of Patterson's series of "The Women's Murder Club." I did have some reservations before reading it because, as I've said before, if I don't think I would pick this book up myself then there's a good chance I might not like it. However, lately I have been eating my words because I've liked all the books so far.

There have been a lot of robbery/murders happening in San Francisco. The SFPD has been trying to connect the dots before anyone else gets murdered. Claire, Yuki Cindy and Lindsay make up "the Women's Murder Club." They coined the name because they each work in some aspect of the law or media that requires them to be involved with murders and and crimes. There are two major mysteries that have been happening. The first is a string of murders that are happening in broad day light to women on the same day for five years. The other is a string of robberies that end of with deaths. This case largely has to do with drugs. These robbers are identified by masks and SFPD windbreaker jackets. That is all they know of these criminals but can't seem to figure out who these people are and why they keep robbing and killing. People keep dying left and right that might have answers to who is behind all this but are the killers right under their noses? That is the driving question of this book.

"14th Deadly Sin" is largely compelling. It catches you right away, if not just for the aspect of it being a mystery and you need to know what happens. The chapters are nice and short so you can breeze through this book nicely. I really enjoyed the writing style because it was quick and dynamic and just kept your imagination running. You couldn't help rooting for the SFPD once they starting fitting the pieces together. And I love how the book did break up to accommodate the other ladies and their stories that eventually was all connected in the end. The way that happened was purely  seamless.

Patterson definitely will be put on my list of approved authors. The reading was so effortless yet still complex. It felt like a nice change of pace. I hope you enjoyed the diversity I'm trying to bring to appeal to all of my book lovers.

Feel free to comment a favorite Patterson book!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

REVIEW: "The Tides of Memory"- BY: Sidney Sheldon

Here's another review for ya! I'm gonna make it as short and sweet as I can.

An older woman that I work with and I got to talking one day and we realized we are both book lovers. I always feel like I'm in good company with a book lover. Now me and my co-worker do not have exactly the same taste in books. Partially because there is a significant age gap, but also because well, we just have different tastes. She has a much more mature reading style and I still tend to gravitate towards teen fiction. But, I don't like to book discriminate so when she said she left me a good book to read, I couldn't say no.

"The Tides of Memory," is largely a mystery thriller. But what is great about this book is that it's not the creepy kind of mystery books that I often associate with mysteries. The story line was very reminiscent of other books that I love, so I quickly immersed myself in this book.

The book is initially set at a summer camp in the 70's where Toni Galetti and Billy Hamlin become too distracted with each other to realize that a young boy camper has drowned. However, Billy takes the rap for it all because he loves Toni and doesn't want to see her go to jail. Billy winds up going to jail for 20 years and Toni runs away and is never to be seen again.... as Toni. Toni runs away to England and starts another life as Alexia. No one comes looking for her and she ends up marrying Teddy De Vere who is British royalty. Aelxia, for some time, lives a politically sophisticated life with her husband and two kids. That is until she became Home Secretary of England. From that moment on, things start to unravel or Alexia one by one. Her daughter had tried to commit suicide but ultimately ended up paralyzed in a wheel chair. Her son quit University to follow a dream and Billy, the boy who took the rap for her all those years ago, has suspiciously showed up in England looking for Alexia.

Billy has gone crazy since he got out of jail and ends up dead in England as he was trying to get Alexia to help him because he has been hearing voices that someone was going to kill her and his daughter. Alexia didn't want anything to do with Billy, since she tried to hard to erase her old life.

Alexia is ultimately pushed out of office because surprisingly to Alexia, her husband was charged with murder of her daughters ex-boyfriend and also of the murder of Billy Hamlin. Alexia thought her husband was the good one but he did heinous acts to protect his family.

The biggest surprise came when the book revealed that Alexia's best friend Lucy was actually the brother of the little boy that died at camp under Toni's watch that Billy went to jail for. Lucy had been plotting for years to get revenge on her and Billy. Lucy almost successfully kills Alexia but ends up just killing herself and leaving her family completely in shock.

The book may start out a little slow with peaks and valleys to keep you on your toes. But once all hell breaks lose it is like an avalanche of misfortune. One crazy incident after another. I was pleasantly surprised by the story line of the book and was even more surprised by the way the book was written. I loved the style of writing and appreciated the shorter chapters and breaks within.  It is definitely a compelling read and the ending was something I totally had not suspected. There are multiple twists and turns in this book that deserves a gold star.

Friday, July 31, 2015

REVIEW: "P.S. I Still Love You"- BY: Jenny Han

Hey! Glad to be writing another review! Let's get into it.

If you have been following my blog for some time now, you will know how I feel about the book that preceded this one, which is, "To All The Boys I've Loved Before." That review is something else. It was my first truly negative review. I was outraged over that book for some reason. That book was everything I despise in a book, which is no true ending. And I'm starting to realize that I shouldn't be so hard on books. Books can sometimes be very subjective. We all interpret books differently and I'm trying to change my perspective on them. I take each book for what it is and try to think about it deeply and critically until the book lacks all meaning. This method works. It might not make sense or you might think I'm crazy because I put so much thought into the meaning of books. But what can I say, books are my life.

Anyways... What can I say about "P.S.", that's what I'm gonna call it. There's not much I can really say about this book. It's a prequel to a book that I nearly despise. You are probably wondering why I even read it at all considering that I hated the other one so much. Here's why I read it, and it's simple, I knew I would get my long awaited ending. I was prepared this time for the style of writing and basic plot line. Not much has changed in that respect. But I'm happy to report that the ending was exactly that, an ending.

We left off with Lara Jean trying to figure out what she is going to do next. We don't know if Peter, the guy she really likes wants to be with Lara Jean and we don't know what will become of Lara Jean and her neighbor Josh. Happily, the book pretty much goes straight to the good stuff which is Lara Jean and Peter getting together. I love them together, their love story was the one redeeming quality the first book had. But of course Peter and Lara Jean go through the typical teenage romance trials and another man John comes in to swoop Lara Jean off her feet. But the bad boy, the one that makes your heart flip, Peter, is that one that Lara Jean can't let go of and Peter can't let go of the good girl Lara Jean. The book ends in the happily- ever- after kind of way that makes my heart happy. It also makes me believe that someway, somehow Jenny Han read my last review,

Of course, their are story lines introduced and never fully developed in this book, such as her Dad's possible love life with the neighbor. Or even Stormy, the older lady she helps at her volunteer job at Belleview. Also, the Margo and Josh love story that was brutally ended and Josh was nearly non- existent in this novel. He comes in and out like a ghost which I think works in some way. However part of me misses having Josh stirring things up.  But maybe I'm missing the whole point of the book, which is love always finds a way and we have to give love the chance to break our hearts because love doesn't come without taking some risks.

It's a must read for me if you read the first book. You won't be wowed but you won't be disappointed either.


Sunday, July 5, 2015

NEW! Throwback Series!


I hope everyone had a lovely 4th of July!

I'm also excited to announce a throwback series that I have wanted to read for well over a decade. That series is: Harry Potter !

Now, let me explain. The first week of June I took a vacation to Universal Orlando. Mainly for one reason, which was to see Harry Potter World. I have been dreaming about going there every since it first opened. I was beyond excited to go this year. And let me tell you, it was MAGICAL. That place brought me so much inspiration. I was just itching to get home and read the Harry Potter books that I knew I had but never read.

When HP first came out I was pretty young, so those books seemed a little bit above my reading level. I mean they were 300 pages! That was too much for me apparently. I wouldn't even blink at that now, but of course when you're young that seems impossible to read. So I just never read them. Also, for some reason I have a problem with jumping on ban- wagons. Meaning, I never jump into hyped up obsessed series right away. I have to come to want to read something or do something on my own terms. I don't know why I'm like that. I was also like that with the Twilight series but I eventually came around and became obsessed. I have gotten better at it over time. BUT, anyways the years flew by and the HP movies came out and so I felt like I didn't really need to read the books anymore. But as we all know the movies are never quite accurate to the books and only the book lovers would know that. I mean I broke my own rule: "Never watch the movie before reading the book."

For some reason, going to HP World made me want to read something more then anything ever has in a while. I felt like all these years, I've been missing out on all the secrets that HP held. I wanted to finally know the ins- and- outs of HP. I felt like I never quite knew everything from the movies and slowly people would connect the dots for me, but I would also feel embarrassed. That's going to change with this Throwback Series.

I will start this series soon, because I am currently about to start reading a newly released book, "P.S. I Still Love You," which I had downloaded before leaving for vacation. I figured I would get that one out of the way so I can go full stem ahead on the new series.

I hope you all join me and get re inspired by the HP series. I know I'm going to really love it.

(Photo taken my be. Isn't it magical!)

Friday, May 29, 2015


HELLO Lovelies !

The 30th of May marks the Two Year Anniversary of The Book Bound Blog. I can still remember when the idea of the blog came to me. It was right after I read an amazing book and I just had to write about the book and share it with as many people as I could. The only way I saw that happening was through writing a book review blog. I loved the idea instantly and I haven't looked back. To date, this has been the most consistent thing I have stuck with. And that's because of my love for books. All the other ideas haven't always stuck because they weren't always ideas that have come from a place of passion and love.... This blog however did, and that is why we are here celebrating two years of this wonderful blog.

I like to believe if you can imagine something enough and put all of your positive energy into it then anything can happen. Even though this blog may not be the most popular, I still like to believe that it is and I treat it as such. I hope to always continue with this passion, even if it leads to no where. I still love writing about books. Books have held a special place in my heart and my world since I was very young. They are an escape, a world of there own and they become a love like no other. True book lovers will know the secret world that books can bring you to. I sometimes feel like I hold this special world all my own being a book lover.

Anyways, stay in touch for more reviews coming soon! I have been scouting out for the best books. I also have in the works a beauty blog to supplement this blog. I will write a post about that in the coming months as I sort out my ideas and create another passionate blog. I hope you all stick with me on this journey. I truly appreciate it will all my heart. Feel free to comment me about any suggestions or ideas. I am open also to contributors.  Thank you!


Monday, May 25, 2015

REVIEW: "Saint Anything"- BY: Sarah Dessen


I'm excited to welcome you all to another review with a much anticipated book release, "Saint Anything." Sarah Dessen has been a long time favorite author of mine. Her books are light hearted, fun and meaningful. I always find myself doing a lot of self reflecting when I read her books. Probably because her stories are so relatable. Sarah's books are also some of the only books that I pre-order months in advance. I get so excited and sometimes I really don't know why. To be brutally honest, her writing isn't the most amazing writing I've read. But I think her books are like security blankets. They are so comfortable to get into and you just can't help to get wrapped up in it. It's like reconnecting with an old friend. Nothing really changes but it's always a good time.

"Saint Anything" truly spoke to the young girl in me. Sydney, has always been in the shadows of her older brother Peyton. He was always the good looking and star child, until he wasn't. Even when Peyton took a turn to the dark side and got sent to prison, Sydney was still lost in translation. Her mom is too worried about how Peyton is doing, to worry about how this could be affecting Sydney. SO Sydney decides to make some changes. She switches to a new school and decides to hit up a new pizza place for her after school activity to avoid going home. These changes bring her a gang of new friends that help her finally be noticed. She finally is able to come alive and be who she has always wanted to be. She stands up to her parents and finds her voice that she has craved for so long.

I could go into detail about everything that happens but what's the point when this book is something you should read for yourself. Sarah really stepped it up with this book. It reminded me a lot of the way John Green writes. There was a lot more depth and meaning and less drag out of things that aren't important. She also didn't cut to the chase too fast but let the story progress naturally. We may never see eye to eye on how she ends her books but I can appreciate a writers wishes. And of course there is always a cute love story to go along with it. I can't say that the story is truly some amazing work of fiction but it's definitely true to Dessen form, which ain't bad either.

Stay tuned for a cute 2nd anniversary post! Can't believe it's been two years since I've started this journey and I'm never looking back. Love you all !

Thursday, April 30, 2015

REVIEW: "An Abundance of Katherines"- BY: John Green

Welcome to another book review! I'm happy to be bringing you another John Green review. I'm kind of on a mission to read every John Green book. With the exception of 2, because I just don't think I will enjoy a book that he has collab writed with.
Anyways... I want to sort of keep this review short and sweet.
"An Abundance of Katherines" is right off the bat, not my favorite John Green book. I didn't realize that this book was published in 2006. This does explain something to me because that was quite some time ago. I was about 13 or 14 back then... (That just made me feel old). I assume this book was at the start of John Green's magical writing. Plus, not every book you write is going to be a hit.

Colin Singelton is a genius. He can anagram most every word and even won a nice sum of money from a trivia game show. He seems to have a lot going for him. But if you ask Colin, he may tell you another story. His life is plagued with the curse of the Katherines. Colin's type just happens to be girls named Katherine. And he has dated and been dumped by 19 of them (well except one, we later learn.)
After been dumped by Katherine-19, Colin leaves town with his friend Hassan. They embark on a mission to figure out the meaning to his life, as well as figure out his "Theorem of Underlying Katherine Predictability," which he hopes will help him predict future relationships and help him find the girl for him.
*Side Note: this book has math equations. This might be a reason why this book fell a little flat for me.However, I do applaud him on the fact that all the math was legitimately created by a math genius. *

On this adventure, Hassan and Colin stumble upon an tour of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand's death plot. This pit stop became more than a pit stop, it became for all intents and purposes, their home. Now enters, Lindsey. She gave Hassan and Colin the tour and later introduces them to her mother who employs the boys in her factory. Lindsey teaches the boys about the town and the factory that keeps the town going strong. Lindsey, Hassan and Colin go on many adventures and learn a lot about love.

In the end, Colin completes his Theorem and finds that love can not be defined. It can't be explained but that it is infinite. Colin and Lindsey end up falling for each other. Therefore, breaking the curse of the Katherines and also the predictability of the Theorem.

I didn't particularly find this book enthralling. It didn't really keep me coming back other then the fact that I wanted to finish it so I could review it for the blog. The math equations throughout the book definitely threw me off. I felt that it took away from the real story line and message that the book could have. Regardless, John Green still has a way with words that still makes you want to know how it all ends.  The characters were hilarious and full of unique complexities. It wouldn't necessarily recommend it but if you're a John Green lover then this is still a must read.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

REVIEW: "Where She Went"- BY: Gayle Forman

Hey book lovers,

Let's get started with another book review. I'll make this short and sweet because well, spoiler alert, that's pretty much how I feel about the book.

"Where She Went," is the sequel to the ever popular book turned movie "If I Stay." No doubt "If I Stay" is a classic. I also reviewed it on this blog a few months back. You might want to check out that post before you read this one. But if you are all caught up I will get on with this review....

"Where She Went" is told from Adam Wilde, Mia's boyfriends, point of view three years after the tragic accident that killed Mia's parents and her little brother. After the accident, Mia went off to Julliard and basically left Adam in the lurch.  As you could probably surmise, Adam was completely devastated by this. However, his anger and depression fueled him to write the hit album Collateral Damage that launched his band Shooting Star into mega stardom. Adam had the life. He was living like a rock star and had a celebrity girlfriend named Bryn.
On the East coast, Mia was fulfilling her dream of because a concert cellist. She was making waves at Julliard and even graduated early.

The book picks up in the present when Adam is in New York, where Mia is, about to do an interview. However, Adam doesn't like the rock star life. He is just going through the motions but still distraught over Mia leaving him high and dry. Music doesn't speak to him anymore and he is really ready to quit the band but he has a tour that he has to leave for the next day. Adam erupts during the interview which gives his manager a clue that he needs some time off. Adam gets another day to recoup.

Adam takes his time off to go explore the city and stumbles upon a poster advertising that Mia will be playing a concert that night in the city. Adam decides to go under the radar. However, at the end of the concert, Adam was requested by Mia to go backstage.

This starts the night that will rekindle the lost love between Adam and Mia. Mia takes Adam on a tour of her favorite parts of the city. They talk and reminisce about the old times and at first skating around the bigger issue which is why Mia left Adam. But when they get to the Brooklyn Bridge, Mia lets out everything and Adam loses it. He finally breaks down everything that he had been feeling for the past 3 years. They talk some more and then they go back to Mia's place where they fall asleep. The next morning Adam walks around her apartment and realizes that neither of them want to let each other go. They kiss and everything falls right back into place.

Okay,... so maybe this won't be so short. BUT I do have some valid things to say. This book is extremely unnecessary. I can understand that the way "If I Stay" was left off was made to seem like a sequel was necessary but it wasn't. I can't say that I hate the  book but it just seemed so played out. I like using my own imagination to decide what happened after Mia decided to stay. And I understand that not everyone will feel that way. It was a beautiful story, something I can't deny. And something else is that it was nice to know exactly where the author decided to go with the story but it felt like a waste of a book. Literally, all it was is within the span of two days they find each other talk  and fall in and out of love all over again. Yes, it has a beautiful happy ending like I love but it seems like not something I would waste my money on. Maybe borrow it or go tot he library.

I hate to sound so harsh but if I am one thing, I am honest.

That's all I have for you today. If you have any other questions or comments. leave them below!


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

REVIEW: "Gone Girl" - BY: Gillian Flynn

Welcome back Book Lovers! 

I'm pretty excited to bring you a review of "Gone Girl." I'm probably late to the party again, but that's just my style. Not much of a follower... ya know?!

Anyways, "Gone Girl" is probably not new to you and if it is then I feel pretty good about myself because I just taught you a little something ! :) 
Regardless, "Gone Girl" is basically a house-hold name. You've maybe seen the movie and better yet you read the book before you did. I don't know about you but the trailer of the movie definitely mislead me about the book. My impression of the book, just based on the trailer, made me feel as if this was going to be some middle aged women's version of a mystery/crime scene. That sounds a little harsh but mainly what I'm trying to say is that it could be very blase and not the style I'm impressed with. 

I haven't seen the movie yet because I just finished reading the book. As the natural order should go. It was definitely on my radar because of all the interesting things I've heard about the book. 

I was intrigued from the first sentence. The writing style was beautiful. It was fluid, clear and enticing. I kept finding myself trying to play detective. I was trying to think one step ahead of the author. I went through various stages where I thought maybe he did because it sure did seem like it ... but then just when you thought you had it pegged down, she would flip it on you and you were thinking of a totally different scenario. It was a very natural progression but one that definitely shocked you and you love it for doing that.

Something that I love about books is the hold they can have on you. The hold can be before you read it, while you are reading it or after you read it. This book definitely had all 3. I was excited to read it, couldn't put it down and didn't want to let it go. 

I hate to give some big plot or round up about the gist of this book because it has been so popular in the media. However, I will implore you with a small bit about the book that I feel will help you get a good idea and make you read it or not if you haven't already done so.

Amy and Nick have been married for 5 years when Amy suddenly goes missing from their Missouri home. Nick doesn't freak out but is definitely curious as to how this could possibly have happened. He tries to keep his tracks clear because he knows the story with missing wives and the husbands have nothing to show for it. Nick knows his marriage wasn't great. They both turned into different people after they happened to be married for a little while, but Nick denies any involvement in this disappearance. We slowly learn the true inner workings in the mind of Nick and Amy through narration and "diary" entries that Amy has written. Don't count Nick out just yet. Don't let your mind slip into feminist paranoia towards men. Maybe some women are driven  mad and would do anything to seek their "rightful" attention. 

There is a lot about this book that I love. I love the way it is laid out. Every chapter is either in the voice of Nick or Amy. You are constantly getting a contradiction or rather understanding of what you just read in the last chapter. Its enticing and totally "revolutionizes", if I can say that, about the way I feel towards murder mysteries or disappearances. I never really gave them much thought but I'll probably never think of them the same again. And maybe there is a lot of fictionalization that you can't apply to real life but I always say, "Never say never!"

BUT.. I will leave you with something that still seems to keep plaguing me is the ending. For a book that is full of such suspense, insanity and intrigue the ending still makes me sit and wonder what I just read. Maybe it has a deeper meaning then I can truly wrap my head around at the moment. But it felt like an awfully odd way to let things go. 

Either way, it is what it is and I'll let you go by saying: Yes, read the book enjoy it and let me know what you thought about the ending. I definitely want to hear some thoughts about this book! 


Sunday, January 18, 2015

UPDATE: Playing The Game

Good Hello my book lovers!

I wanted to take a moment to talk to my loyal followers. Sometimes it is nice to take a break from reviews and just reflect on some things that are happening in your life. I have been very busy lately with a new job that I have acquired. I'm working as a supervisor in a retail position right now, while I am trying to figure out my next move. I feel very blessed that I have been given this opportunity. As you know, I was struggling for a little while and sometimes I feel like I still am, but I feel like this new job was exactly what I needed. It has allowed me to unburden myself from the growing anxiety I had felt towards what my future was going to look like. I feel like I finally stopped holding my breath.

But nothing in life is ever guaranteed and it is surely the most unpredictable thing in existence. My life has strange timing but timing nonetheless. Meaning..., I believe that everything in my life is meant to happen when it is EXACTLY supposed to in order for me to either learn a lesson, grow from an experience or have something fall right into place. Nothing that has ever happened in my life was  meaningless and I know that now.

Like a lot of things in life, practice is required in order to perfect something. Reading to me is a "sport." I use that term lightly but I believe it all comes from a place of passion. This blog was sparked from a passion for reading and I think that I am still practicing on being a better blogger. I hope to continue to grow this blog into bigger and better things. It will just take some time and practice. I brought up this particular imagery and message because life is a sport. You have to go through all the obstacles, stumble and get back up a million times before you get to reach your goal. You will face lots of losses and experience some amazing wins but we are all players in the game of life.


Cheryl xoxo