Friday, September 2, 2016

"Harry Potter and The Cursed Child" BY: J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany

To say this book or rather screenplay has been long anticipated would be an understatement. I think millions of people have been holding their breath and waiting years for a Harry Potter to come back into their lives. Nothing is better then entering into your favorite book world. It's only something true book lovers would understand. Remember, a new world is right at your finger tips.

After the 7th and final Harry Potter book ended, it left you 19 years into the future with Harry, Ginny, Ron and Heromines kids all going off to Hogwarts. Harry's younger son Albus, was going to Hogwarts for the first time and was nervous about where the sorting hat was going to place him, since he didn't want to be in Slytherin. The screenplay picks up where the last book left off. Harry reassures Albus that the sorting hat takes his choice into account. Albus' fears come true and the screenplay fast forwards with Albus being the main character to drive the plot forward.

The Cursed Child is not like a Harry Potter book. It is a new and refreshing take on the long and detailed books we are used to reading. But don't let that stop you, actually let that entice you more to read it. I don't need to sell you this book. It doesn't need my help. But what I want to get across with this post is not so much what the book is about, but more about what I made me feel and what Harry Potter does for millions of people.

I think it's close to fate that I only started reading the Harry Potter books a year ago. It was the perfect timing for the Cursed Child to come out. I was still fresh on my Harry Potter hype train. I can honestly say now that I'm a Harry Potter super fan. As I'm writing this now I'm wearing some Harry Potter merch and I wear it proud.

Harry Potter brings out the kid in you and brings out the magic in everyone that truly experiences and believes in it. If you are anything like me that you'll when you get to experience and see your favorite characters grow up and have their own families and live happily. So maybe I'm biased or overly happy and protective of my Harry Potter fantasy that no matter what The Cursed Child was like I would probably stand by it. The only thing that someone can say is that the story was rushed and that's not the stories fault so much as the medium of which is was written for. You need to go into the story remembering that it is a play and written to be a performed on stage. If you keep that in mind then nothing should truly disappoint you. I went into reading it with the right mindset and I think that made all the difference.

This story gives you the best story line that Harry Potter could give you. It revisits the past. It visits different futures that give you a different perspective on the meaning everything happens for a reason and that we should never wish to change our past because it could greatly alter our future. It touches on the strain of a legacy that a son must carry through life for his father. And how Harry tries to navigate fatherhood without having a father himself to learn and model himself from.

Cursed Child is beautiful and poignant to the true hearts of Harry Potter fans, It touches you right in the Hogwarts feels. One things for sure. I'll be a Harry Potter fan, ALWAYS.

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