Saturday, March 15, 2014

UPDATE: Figuring It Out

Un poco de lectura es toda la terapia que se necesita a veces. ¿A quién no le viene bien esta terapia? :)


Wanted to make a short and sweet update. Clearly, it shows that I have some difficulty with keeping up with blogging on a regular basis but with good reason. Graduating college is no joke and I'm stuck somewhere in the middle of wanting it all the end and wanting to crawl back into the womb because this is not a fun experience, let me tell you. Just imagine being on the edge of a cliff with no way off but to jump. Jumping is the hardest part because you have no idea where you are going to land and you're scared of all the possibilities that could just crush you. On the other hand you could just stay where you are and live in complete denial about life and it's realities. Taking that jump is scary. I'm dangling on the cliff at this moment. Holding on for dear life because the landing is just so uncertain...

This is my good reason for goofing up and not reviewing or reading much for that matter. I did read the next Lord of the Rings book but I realized that those books are far
too complex to truly give a justifiable review. Just not in the cards for this blog. HOWEVER, I did just finish reading "Growing Up Duggar." Kind of loved it. I have my opinions on it and hope to share them with you soon, however, I also am in the middle of working on some major senior projects I need to focus on so blogging has to be put somewhere in the back but in a spare moment I am going to bring you the review I hope will really intrigue people to want to read for themselves.

Cheryl :)

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