Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Holiday Readings!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all my fellow readers!

I am so happy to be on winter break, which means I have more time to devote to "The Book Bound."
I am really hoping to start 2014 off right by continually bringing you the best reviews and encouraging everyone to bring a little more reading into their life. Reading has always been the best medicine for many heart breaking times in my life. Just like music, reading can make you escape and feel no pain. Let's make 2014 the official year of  books! Let's help support all the struggling authors who want to be given that chance to live their dream.

Now, I have a little favor to ask of everyone! I would really love if everyone could supply me with some great book suggestions ASAP. I have become increasingly interested in reading nonfiction books but I've been having trouble finding ones that would be interesting and meaningful. I love a good memoir or a book that really makes me put life in perspective. So your mission is to find the best books that you would love to see me review or we could discuss together! Whatever it may be, may it always be book bound!

Cheryl :)