Monday, February 29, 2016

REVIEW: "Turning the Tables: From Housewife to Inmate and Back Again."- BY: Teresa Giudice

Hello again!

Today I'm bringing you a brand new review of a brand new book! Teresa Giudice, famous from her role on "The Real Housewives of New Jersey," recently was released from jail after being incarcerated for almost a year. While in jail, she took advantage of her time and wrote an almost "tell-all" book about where she came from and her life growing up; and most importantly about her time in jail and how it has helped her to have a new look on life.

I knew immediately I wanted to read this book and even pre-ordered it. When I learned about Teresa and her husband, Joe, being sent to jail, I was so upset. Mainly, because I felt so sorry for their daughters. Having a parent go away for a long time is a very challenging thing because you rely on them so much throughout your day to day life. I know I wouldn't know what to do without my mom for a whole year, and then knowing she was in jail just makes it so much worse. I also felt bad in general for Teresa and Joe, because they seem like good people and going to jail is just the worst thing imaginable.

While I was reading, I truly could feel the heavy weight that Teresa carried on her shoulders. I felt like I was in her shoes, having to deal with the press, taking care of her family while fighting legal issues. Ii felt so overwhelming. And I also felt some anxiety for her while she was in jail. I don't know how I would be able to handle living in unsanitary quarters and eating expired food for a whole year. Just the thought of it made me want to cry. If everything Teresa wrote was true, then I truly applaud her for her strength and ability to be positive during her time there.

Teresa spent much of the book talking about her first few days there because I am sure those were the toughest. That is also where I felt the most anxiety for her. I would start to feel like I was the one facing those next 365 days of hell. It felt almost too much to bear. Even though Teresa's book was written much like a conversation or diary, it felt like it was full of emotion that was just leaping off the page. Many times she talked about just missing her girls and husband and how she had to just keep busy and stay strong for all of them and how she was one tough Italian cookie.

What I really loved about the book was the first few chapters about her life growing up, how she met  and married Joe Giudice and her eventual role on RHONJ. I always love a good back story, because to truly know someone you have to know where they came from. It was great to read something about Teresa that I didn't know. Like how her parents met or the she repair business that her father started in America after emigrating form Italy. I loved when she talked about her relationship with her brother and how close of a bond they had. What I also loved was how her and her husband have known each other since they were little kids and loved each other even way back then. I'm a sucker for a good love story. It shows that their families have strong bonds that brought them up to be good people and sometimes good people make mistakes, but it doesn't have to define who you are. And I believe that is what Teresa is trying to tell through her book. She wants to move on from her mistakes and make the most out of her life every day.

The stories she told about her time in jail where almost made for a movie. Since I have watched, "Orange is the New Black," I could totally picture the setting and events that were taking place. I love that she made friends and worked on herself by changing how she reacted to things while in  jail. In jail, there can be lots of chances for confrontation, but she made it a priority to stay away from trouble. She was focused on getting out of there as soon as she could. The conditions that she lived in sounded horrible, and when she said she found out they were eating expired food I felt sick to my stomach. I understand that criminals don't deserve luxury but they are human beings that deserve at least a good meal. I don't know how I would have functioned without decent food, but it seems that even she could make it through.

Overall, I loved her book. Reading it felt much like reading her diary which is probably exactly how a book like that should be written. Often times, when reading a biographical book, I expect a lot of deep writing, which is what I love, but you won't find a whole lot of in depth writing, just a lot of emotional writing that fit the book nicely. Before you go and judge Teresa based off her TV life, read this book about her real life and maybe you will learn to not always judge a book by it's cover.


Thursday, February 18, 2016

REVIEW: "You Can't Make This Stuff Up: Life Changing Lessons From Heaven" - BY: Theresa Caputo

Welcome back to my regular book reviews. Glad to be getting back on track. There are so many books in the lineup so check back for more reviews coming soon. 

Back in May of 2014, I read Theresa Caputo's first book, "There's More to Life Than This." I reviewed it for this blog and recently re-read it and I consider that review one of my best, if not my best work. Looking back, I remember how deeply moved and inspired I was by the first book. Her books and her message were totally unexpected. It is truly a soul changing experience. 

When I found out that she wrote another book, I knew what my next book was going to be. And it was just as soul changing as the first. This time around she focused mostly on life lessons and our souls journey in this life. She often talks about soul- searching and how important it is to find out our souls purpose on this earth. I learned a lot about how our souls reincarnate and choose our bodies and then come to earth to continue learning the lessons it didn't fully learned on its first round on earth before they died. Your soul also has the choice to stay in heaven and learn the lessons there. It's all about of your souls journey to reach the highest level of heaven which is where God is supposed to be. 

Most importantly I learned a lot about how our choices and the way we view our life and our reactions to things can effect our souls. Theresa explained the ways that we should go through life trying to trust in our souls journey and to not hold grudges, resentment or anger. We should always be kind, do out best and let go and forgive all the things that weigh heavy on out hearts and souls. It only effects ourselves in the next life. 

I think in a lot of ways it was my destiny to read this book. Sometimes along the way, you need to stop and smell the roses. Look around you and realize that life is a wonderful gift. I needed this reminder to get my life and my soul's life back on track. It helped me feel more comfortable in my journey and that no matter what is happening, I am were I am meant to be. 
Theresa also included many stories about the people she has read. Each story was so powerful and moving. It was again, comforting to know that our loves ones who have crossed over are always looking out for us and guiding us from the other side.

I don't thing nearly enough people give Theresa the time of day to truly listen to her message. Theresa said her gift was from God and spirit to help the world receive his message in a new and more interesting way and I truly believed it has helped me to feel stronger to my faith and believe and trust more in God's will for my life. It's not always easy to give up some control of your life or destiny but her message makes me feel more secure that God has the right plan set out for me and for everyone.We just have to listen and live the best possible life. 

I highly recommended reading her books not only are her books entertaining and fun reads, but there life changing and help you to be a better person. And who doesn't need a little lesson in that?!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Achievement Unlocked: Read the Harry Potter series

I'm so excited to announce that I have now officially finished reading Harry Potter. I read all 7 books. And now I can die happy. :)

Reading Harry Potter has brought me so much joy and renewed my love for books. I can't even quite remember a time before reading Harry Potter, because it probably it took me a few good months to get through them. They sparked a new life in me. I truly felt as if these books carry a magic all their own. It was truly a trance like experience reading them. It helped that I also saw all the movies so the visual imagery was totally alive. I think it's time I start binge watching those movies again....

All 7 books were phenomenal and delivered everything and more than I could have ever imagined. I got started on this journey after I cam back from "Harry Potter World" at Universal Orlando, Florida. I got so insanely inspired from that park that I knew I had to read the books. I wanted to know all the secrets. I wanted to immerse myself in Harry Potter land and never leave. I luckily had 3 of the 7 books and then just ordered the rest on Amazon. I sometimes literally could not put the books down. They were amazing from start to finish. Each and everyone. 

Some times that surprised me about the books started with the very first one. I know these books came out many years ago and at the time I was slightly too young to truly appreciate them. So I feel that now was the perfect time for me to get the full experience. But the first book less intense then I was expecting. It felt very much like being a kid and your parents withholding all the "grown-up" stuff that you don't need to know yet. And all the books progressed, much like we all age and come to learn about all those things that our parents omitted telling us. It was the underlying theme that played throughout. Each book got more intense and starting revealing more and more. 

I know years ago, I remember some people had told me that the movies did not follow the books too well. So when reading it I was hoping to find out some more information that the movies skipped over. To be honest, since having seen the movies first, I didn't see that much difference. of course there were plot lines that were omitted for good reasons I think. Except for the last book. I felt that towards the end there were some interesting things left out. Such as when Harry dies and goes to "Kings Cross," his conversation with Dumbledore was much more informative then I remember the movie being. I especially remember this because I was a little frustrated with the lack of information he gave Harry in the movie. But we all know movies are far more complex.

Harry Potter is a MUST READ. It's magical and amazing. After finishing the last book, I felt as if my whole life was changed from that moment and that it would never be the same. I remember just sitting there with the book closed in my lap and thinking,"What am I going to do now?" 
It's the true feeling of a "book-hole." Where you don't know what to do with yourself after investing so much time and enjoyment into something. This book will live in infamy and I will be sure that my kids read these books and enter the magical world one book at a time.